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Your personal health journey

Starting here you can have an INSPIRED, vibrant and healthier life.  Your health journey is very personal and the best and easiest way to make changes is one step at a time.  There are many pieces of the puzzle that create wellness: good nutrition, reducing your body's toxicity, living chemical-free, moving your body, embracing a spiritual practice that you define and having fulfilling and meaningful relationships in your life.


We offer three primary areas of health and wellness: 


1. Young Living Essential Oils: we are PASSIONATE about reducing the toxic load of chemicals in your home. These contribute to all kinds of chronic diseases and health conditions.  We provide consultations, education and support for using therapeutic-grade Seed-to-Seal essential oils. They can be used for improving and maintaining your health, building a healthy home environment, supporting healthy body systems, green living, reducing toxicity and managing lifestyle stress. Young Living has an array of products to create a non-toxic lifestyle, all without toxic "fragrance" and the synthetic chemicals that lead to illness. Save your health, save the environment. This journey is the most fun and easy to start implementing right away.


2.  Food Sensitivity Testing: this type of testing uncovers hidden food allergens that may be blocking your body from functioning optimally. Often, removing these irritants can create a healthier flow in the body as well as lightness and clarity of being. Identifying these can be a key factor in eliminating an array of nagging, persistent health issues.


3.  Health Coaching:  providing guidance, education, support and information about healthy eating and living. Working with a Health Coach is designed to make your changes last for a lifetime by working with someone who will be your health advocate. As your health coach, I make myself accessible and offer you knowledge with the goal of transforming you from the inside out.


Yvonne Fulciniti, CHHC, AADP

Certified Holistic Health Coach

Young Living Independent Distributor

Essential Oils Specialist/Educator

Tel: 603.494.3317


Not sure where to begin?

The choice of which piece of the wellness toolkit you'd like to embrace is up to you.  Our goal is to be a partner on your wellness journey and to meet you where you are - providing education, support and guidance.

Not sure where to begin? We LOVE that Young Living Essential Oils are a beautiful, easy thing to add into your world to improve the quality of your life and health or that of someone you love. Those creating accounts under me are given on-going support and education for using the oils in their everyday lives.  Call for a free one-on-one consultation about the oils or attend an upcoming workshop (Intro to Young Living - Living Chemical Free). 


                    Sometimes the journey of a thousand miles can start with

                     one drop of essential oil to improve an aspect of your life.

Inspired Life Wellnessâ„¢ is a trademark of Inspired Life Wellness LLC.  Information provided on this website is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe.  Consult a physician or other healthcare provider regarding any opinion or recommendation with respect to your condition or symptoms. 

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